lest we forget

I am so afraid that Remembrance Day will become a thing of the past. I'm afraid that in a few years it will be a short one minute of silent remembrance in an otherwise busy day. Years ago I was speaking to an American friend on November 11 and she had no idea that it was even a holiday. Then she thought about it and said, "Oh, right, I think it is Veterans' Day, or something today." People, she was an elementary teacher at the time. It broke my heart a little bit.

I don't want Canada to go that route. I want us to take time to remember the men and woman who fought for our country. I want us to continue to wear poppies and honour them with wreaths and services. I don't want to forget the cost they paid. I don't want to forget about the wounds they suffered, the lives they gave, the shell shock they endured. My Grandma was just telling me about the nightmares my Grandpa had when they first got married. How he would wake in the night, terrified. How he would never talk about it.

For the last four years we've gone to a service on Valour Road. It's near our house and I like going to what was formerly Pine St. and remembering the soldiers who lived on that street. And I'm so proud that in the last four years attendance has tripled.

If you don't know the story of the Pine Street Boys. They made a heritage minute about them several years ago. What they don't mention in the video is that since the inception of the Victoria Cross in 1856 it's only been awarded 1356 times and only 14 Manitobans have received it. Amazing that three of them lived within a block of each other. Believed to be the only case where three recipients have lived on the same street. That is something to be proud of. And to remember.

I will continue to go to Remembrance Day services and to insist, that in our family, Remembrance Day is not a day to go to the mall, go to movies, go out to eat. It's a sacred day. Let's keep it that way.

They shall grow not old,
as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning
We will remember them.

We will remember them.


pamero said...

It's true. I'm so afraid of everyone forgetting. Especially after seeing the malls were open from 1-9pm. Ugh.