kay, i guess i deserved that

This is a little something I worked on with my student today. He's been having a rough week. Not listening, getting angry, my sweet, mild mannered boy even threw his lunch bag at me the other day! So we've been working on listening and obeying for the last couple of days.

Now, I knew when I wrote this up for him to fill out that it seemed just a smidge propagandaish, but it got the point across.

When we got back from our break I couldn't help but notice that a colleague had maybe, possibly thought the same thing...

ps. The little dots under each word are little dots Zach made with his pencil to emphasize each word while he was reading it afterwards. So cute!


beckster said...

Ha...haha, that is funny.

ccap said...

He, he. Brainwashing Corrie. What a delight. I might have to debrief A&J when you babysit.

pamero said...

______ is the best. She rules the _____. We will all do her _________. All ____ Corrie. Ha __.