a little early but...

You know I love you when I offer you a bite of my cadbury creme egg. And for the record, I've only done that once.

Last night I had my first creme egg of the season. I know Easter is still ages away but I couldn't resist. It was my treat for the weekend but I put it away and forgot about it, so it became a treat for Monday.

I know they're not everyone's cup of tea, but I luuuuuurrve them. The creamy milk chocolate... the sweet runny inside... delish! There are even several recipes out there for Cadbury creme eggs. Deep fried creme egg, cupcakes with an entire creme egg baked inside, creme eggs benedict, creme egg cheesecake, creme brulegg, creme egg cookies... even recipes how to make them yourself. Not that I'll be trying any of those soon, I prefer mine served right out of the tinfoil with popcorn on the side and plenty of water. But it doesn't matter how you like to serve it, you know it's good when even Jesus loves it.

So, creme egg, thanks for the Monday night treat. Now I need to find a way to get my hands on the 2.5 kg version...


Court said...

mmmm.... Cream eggs are my fav too!

pamero said...

I like how it looks like they had to saw open the 2.5 lb egg. yUm. Also - creme brulegg: tasty, creme eggs benedit: nasty.