whiney wednesday

So, as an hommage to Becky's list I've created my own. Plus, I think along with Thursday Thirteens we should add Whiney Wednesdays. Go ahead, complain about whatever you like, we'll listen and even feel sorry for you.

So, my rant for this Wednesday...

How the general population has proven to me that they suck:

1. Interrupting my, "Hi there, what can I ge..." with "Gimme an egg and cheese bagel."
2. Not responding with a verbal answer when somebody asks you a verbal question. VERY annoying, especially when you're asking them what they want on their sandwich while you make it. Who just nods in response to a question? What are they, two years old?
3. Showing up with a couple of friends, talking the whole time they order, and them blaming me when they don't get what they wanted and expect to get a free piece of ham because they were too busy talking to actually ORDER said piece of ham with their breakfast.
"Ohhh... I wanted a piece of ham with this..." Really? Then next time pause the conversation and order one.
4. Not tipping because we're a cafeteria style cafe without sit down service and then leaving huge messes for me to clean up. Hmmm... how does that make sense? Who carries their tray to the table, makes a mess eating, then gets up and leaves their tray and napkins and glasses and coffee cups and cracker packages all over the table without throwing the garbage away and putting their tray and dishes on the racks? Jerks, that's who.
5. Not pushing in their chairs after they're done eating. Thanks, I really needed that chair to be there so I could trip on it while I was carrying your tray of dirty dishes and garbage to the rack...

All this to say, please be kind to the people to who serve you anything anywhere. Remember that they're people, too, who are tired and have sore feet and are looking forward to the weekend as much as you are.


pamero said...

Here, here!
Like Donna said over on another post, I think all people should work in a service position at least once in their lives, hopefully it will help them to remember next time they ignore their waitress when she's speaking directly to them...

Court said...

What is this Thursday Thirteen you speak of?

corrie said...

Thursday Thirteen is a list that you make of thirteen things on a Thursday. It can follow a theme or be completely random. I've never written one myself but do enjoy reading other people's : )

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you make this list... JUST the other day I was in Subway and the woman in front of me spent the ENTIRE time on her phone. Are you kidding me?! You're so busy/important that you need to make the server feel like she has to INTERRUPT you to ask you if you want lettuce or pickles?!


beckster said...

Wow, I am so happy I encouraged everyone to whine and complain! It's kind of like a dream come true!

Terry's Girl said...

Yes. Yes.. and YES! To all of this...And as a courteous customer who fully understands all of this b/c I've been there done that for soo very long myself I would like to add, just for that young girl working at the gas station, please look up at me and acknowledge my presence when I am there paying in stead of the grunt I got with the shove of the receipt on my hand...I wished her a better day and I meant it. She must have just had one of 'those other' customers..poor thing.