in the meantime

We celebrated out 1st anniversary. It was pretty great, I've never had an anniversary before, so it was kind of an odd sensation. We gave each other small gifts and my parents ended up taking us out for supper to our favourite Thai restaurant and we had a delicious meal. Both our moms and my grandma gave us cards, what fun to celebrate a doozy of a year!

It was a wonderful break from the lowness of spirit we've both been feeling lately. It kind of feels like we're right back where we started except three months have passed and we have no excuse for wanting to curl back up on the couch and watch tv and movies for days on end again.

But! Bright spot in the future! We're happy to get to celebrate two anniversaries (I like to think of it as the Marriage Anniversary and the Wedding Anniversary) and that's coming up in a couple of weeks. I'm thinking lunch and pottery painting, but we'll see what transpires...


beckster said...

I like your celebration ideas. Sounds good to me.

pamero said...

yep! double anniversaries sound good to me!