it's about time

Jun 07

Kay, so I know it's been a while but I do have a valid excuse! We had two weddings within a month! The "little" wedding, strictly family and two of our closest friends each, took place April 29. The whole reason it took place was because I was too impatient to wait another month to make it official. Pretty much as soon as we could, we went and got the marriage license (on my lunch break, no less!), put on our best duds, got married, and then pigged out on chinese food : ) I have no pictures of the blessed event. (hint, hint, to those of you who did immortalize the event on film).

The second wedding took place on May 23. To this event we were excited to invite EVERYONE! Hooray! It was a real shindig. We're both so pleased with how the day went. Daryl said to me one day, "I think our wedding was the best wedding I've ever been to." To which I replied, "Well, you weren't at Pam and Don's wedding. But ours was pretty great." Ha. Ha.

So, here are a few "unofficial" wedding pictures. We haven't yet received our pictures from our photographer but these ones are courtesy of my friend Miriam who tagged along for the day as a kind of lady in waiting for me, fetching things, carrying things and snapping a few pictures herself. (thanks, Mim!)

We stopped at the King's Head for a few casual shots and the boys indulged a bit of liquid courage before the ceremony : )

I made the wedding party serve the food at the reception. I really enjoyed it. We did it instead of having a receiving line (neither Daryl nor I are people persons) and it was a wonderful way to say hi to people and thank them for being our guests. And the Food. Was. Awesome.
Bonus: You can see a few of the five hundred stars I made everyone who set foot inside the cottage on May Long Weekend cut out. I thought they came out beautifully and totally added to the decor.

Our photographer, Tim Plett, stopped four guys coming back from a huge hockey event across the road and appropriated their sticks for this shot. You can't see it but it's the first time I ever wore a catcher's mitt or goalie's glove or whatever it's called... The guy who let me use it handed it to me and smiled, saying, "Sorry if it's wet inside." It wasn't : )

Ahhhh... I adore this shot. This is us being showered with rose petals after the ceremony, exiting the church my grandparents, my parents, and now we, ourselves, got married in.

More to come when we get the "official" pictures : )


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mmichele said...

SO sorry that I missed it! And it looks like it was even a sunny day!

Heather Plett said...

It was a great wedding! Glad I was there.

pamero said...

Hooray!! Fun, fun (a little bit of work) and MORE fun!