am i crazy or are the mice taunting me?

At first I was afraid of the mice. They'd been before and I jumped when I saw them scurrying around my apartment again. I put out poison for them and hoped they'd die deep in the walls where I couldn't see or smell them. When I didn't see or hear from them in several weeks I thought the poison had gotten them all. But I was wrong. They had retreated, built up their mouse cities, gotten cozy amongst the insulation and wiring. They set up shops, built sidewalks, knit hats, dug out their favourite recipies and borrowed teaspoons of sugar from each other. They celebrated the safeness of the walls. And then, when they knew I was no one to fear, they came and carried the poison away. They ground it up into a find powder to use in their own traps to keep the crickets at bay.

I'm tired of sharing my space with these tiny squatters. I'm no longer afraid of them. I hate them. If I were to see a mouse today, I'd run after it and step on it. Squishing the life out of a tiny mother or father. Then they'd know that I am someone to fear. Then they'd know that they were dealing with a woman with murder in her heart.


Kim O said...

wow. I honestly didn't know you had that in you. kind of scary!

pamero said...

oooh, you remind me of you-know-who with 'the cold clear look of someone about to commit murder' in his eyes! Creeeeepy! ha ha. I also keep hearing the mice in my ceiling. I dreamed last night of one brazen enough to jingle it's changepurse on my dresser. Cheeky devils.

beckster said...

That would be nasty if you chased after one and stepped on it, it would probably gush all its guts out onto your floor and then you would have to clean it up. Sick.

mmichele said...

kill one for me, baby.

ask linda if you need some murderous pointers...

ccap said...

I'm ah, um, gulp... a little scared of you right now.

Anonymous said...

I am a little envious of you right now. Even with a murderous heart you manage to sound poetic.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the "how do I feel about cockroaches?" journey I went through in California.

Linda said...

Oh yeah. I've got an arsenal in the back closet. I'd be happy to share!