hee hee hee

Mar 07

I've taken to having a chocolate biscuit in the morning with my tea. And not one of those fake, chocolate digestive biscuits, either. A real, honest-to-goodness chocolate biscuit. It's so good and chocolatey it's almost like eating a chocolate bar.

In the morning.

Before I go to work.

It just seems so deviant... and delicious.

Thanks for the Tim-Tams Pam and Don!


pamero said...

Ah ha! I saw the half empty pkg last night and I was wondering how you were working your way through them so fast! Now I see...

mmichele said...

i had NO IDEA such wickedness was going on up there in the mornings.

ccap said...

Where the dickens did P&D get Tim Tams from?

pamero said...

Actually, I got them from extra foods. Isn't that funny? 2 packs for $3.98. Great deal. I got kim one too.

Kim O said...

oh man, those biscuits... I have yet to open my package. it is better to share them with someone though. I'm all alone... blast.