
Yesterday the women of my family had a baking day and when my mom looked at the container I put my cookies and squares and chocolate covered pretzels in, she added some more shortbread. I told her I didn't need anymore, it was just me who would be eating it and I DEFINITELY did not need more. She ignored me and put more cookies in saying it was just in case "someone stopped by" in which case I would be happy to have the extra shortbread.

Where and when does she think I live? No one "stops by" anymore. Maybe in small towns or farming communities or something like that, but not in the vicinity of my apartment. Maybe if I lived in the fifties there would be a chance of someone "stopping by."

I just watched a movie about a failed commune and it made me want to move out to a commune (not the failed part... there's hope at the end of the movie). I think it would be cool. I always have. People would be stopping by all the time, we'd be in a perpetual state of "stopping by." My mom's shortbread would be the hit of the christmas season.

I'm also wearing my India shirt today (we went out for tandoori yesterday and I felt inspired) and that makes me want to be back at the ashram where I bought it. I would work in the garden again and sweep out the blasted buildings again and sift through the rice again. I'd love to sit on the floor again and eat with the people who had gathered there all together again. There's just something about community.

We used to have potlucks every wednesday night at my church and, as stressful as it got towards the end and as good as it is that it's over, I really miss it. It was like having an enormous family gathered for supper.

I'm looking forward to christmas when I move back into my parents' for a few days and nights. The noise, the chaos, the activity in every part of the house, the meals we'll share, the talks we'll have over tea... I'll bask in the glow of family and communal living.

In the meantime, feel free to "stop by" for some shortbread (or any other goodies). I have plenty...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm with you on the longing for community like that. Thing is though, as much as I long for it, I suck at it. I don't know how to just "stop by" for the life of me. I need to plan or phone or email or SOMETHING. Maybe that should be my New Year's resolution: learn to just "stop by".


mmichele said...

i will come up! tell me when you're home. i love shortbread but dare not make it as i will be the eater of most of it.

Anonymous said...

The chaos of family is one of the most comforting things I know.

I've had grandparents give me the 'just in case someone stops by' goodies before and it never fails - someone always ends up 'stopping in'. Well, it's usually more planned than spontaneous, but I'm always glad to have the extra!

Okay, I'll admit it, I just like food other people make!


Linda said...

Okay. Expect me. Sometime.

Sheri said...

Oooh shortbread, fantastic...I'll 'stop by'. Krista and I have talked about big community living, we've got Paul, Jo, Jae and Ryan on bored...Wanna join? I think Vergil came up with the last name 'Gerdelamanbek' so if you wanna join we could be

Your mom's shortbread could actually be the highlight! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes we've lost the art of "stopping by". You make me wish for Winterpeg so I could come by for a visit. We have no snow in Toronto, in fact I think it's above 0C right now.


Kim O said...

that almost made me cry... well you know what I mean by "almost"...
anyway, I can't wait to be a part of that chaos with you, cor. those 'weasle' moments are hard to come by, but not at Christmas time...

pamero said...

Well, when I 'stopped by' last night I guess I should have had the shortbread and not the delicious butterscotch confetti...

Linda said...

I stopped by today and you were not home. Perhaps you can leave a plate by the door...

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, shortbread!