join in

I've always been interested in monastic life. For as long as I can remember I dreamed of communal living, whether in a boarding school, a convent, or a commune itself. I don't know what it is about the idea, but I've always been drawn to it. The simplicity involved in sharing common living quarters? The community that develops between the members? The community schedule to support and encourage spiritual growth? As I studied more about the ascetics who gave up earthly goods to devote their lives to a spiritual quest I discovered the Desert Fathers and Mothers; people who went into the desert (mostly in Egypt) to be silent and listen for God. And they heard Him. In fact, their writings became so popular people began hunting them down to learn from them. Which caused them to retreat further and further into the desert. Their writings continue to be treasures to spiritual seekers and they are called Fathers and Mothers because of the influence they had, and continue to have, on the Christian faith. But I digress. With all of these teachers nature seems to play an integral part in connecting with God; when we get closer to nature we get closer to God. This is something that I have found very true for myself. And so I come to St. Francis Assisi, a monk who was born enormously wealthy and gave up his wealth and inheritance to live a simple life in austere conditions which, he found, helped draw him closer to God. He loved nature and is even said to have had a supernatural connection with birds and other creatures. He wrote a song-like poem called The Canticle of All Creatures and I, in turn, adapted it to be a song that my sister wrote music for. I love it. I love the idea that all of creation is praising God and we are given the opportunity to join in that circle of praise. So now I share it with you and give you the opportunity to enter the worship circle. Blessings.

All praise is yours, all glory, all honour, all blessings
God most high.
Praised be you, Lord, we give you thanks
For you alone are God most high.

Praised be you for light of day
And Brother Sun who lights our way.
We praise you through the starry light
And Sister Moon so fair and bright.

Oh, our Brothers Wind and Air
Praise you through weather stormy or fair.
Sister Water so humble and pure
Teaches us of faith brilliant and sure.

Brother Fire illumines the night
Praising you with shadow and light
His beauty dances and his beauty plays
With fiery strength all ablaze.

Our Sister Earth, she gives us all
Though we are humbled, bowed and small.
Praise be you, Lord, to you we lift
Praises for this holy gift.

All praise is yours, all glory, all honour, all blessings
God most high.
Praised be you, Lord, we give you thanks
For you alone are God most high.


mmichele said...

i never realized this was "your's." i love it.

Heather Plett said...

Lovely post! And I love that song/poem!

I have a bouquet of wildflowers sitting on my desk to remind me of the little gifts God gives us in nature.

Anonymous said...


corrie said...

mmmmm... wildflowers... I hope to pick some out at the cottage this weekend. Or even better, maybe just sit and watch them, unplucked, for a few hours : )