
Ugh. I was sick over my Christmas break. Like, sick, sick, sick. Like, I lost 15lbs sick. It was no fun. No Christmas treats, no Christmas drinks, no Christmas fun. Two and a half weeks of yuck and then the super fun recovery time. Plus I felt super duper guilty about calling in sick to work for three days after a two week break. But, as Daryl reminded me, "sick people don't go to work." So true. I guess when I could barely walk the length of our house without getting all trembly and weak it didn't make sense to go to work.

But. I wasn't the only one who was sick. And there was one fun thing that happened. Well, three. And they kinda made me love my stupid family just a little bit more.


Daryl said...

Just to explain a bit, I am trying my best to imitate Annika in this video. I am not drunk nor have I dropped ecstasy.

ccap said...

Whatever, Daryl, whatever.


Lindsay said...

This is why the Vans* have always and continue to be awesome.

*Vans not only limited to biological but also honourary members.

Court said...

Wow, that was a pretty dang awesome post!! :)

Court said...

Annnddd, I'm sorry that you felt so crappy, but congrats on losing 15 pounds! :P

corrie said...

Ohhhh... it'll catch back up now that I'm eating again : )