this morning

Last night two of my three sisters slept over. It was great. We ate chinese food, watched a movie, carried the futon mattress into my bedroom... good times.

The best part, though, was this morning. I woke up and there were people in my apartment with me. As you can imagine, living without a roommate this doesn't happen too often for me. It made me so happy I started laughing hysterically when Pam described how she got up at 1am to take a shower to avoid shower lineups in the morning and then wondered why she couldn't get to sleep afterwards. I laughed and laughed and laughed. I never laugh first thing when I wake up in the morning. I just go about my regular routine, which isn't very humourous. This morning my apartment was like a dorm, people having showers, blowdrying hair, brushing teeth, walking around in various states of undress, asking opinions about clothes, talking and laughing and making fun of each other...

Don't get me wrong, there are days when I'm glad to live alone and be single and have my own space that is completely my own.

But this morning I was thrilled to be in bed at 8am, laughing until tears ran down my cheeks.


Linda said...

Does that ever sound like a good time!

beckster said...

I hate that fouton. But it's always a good laugh carrying it around your home!